Check the coverage status

Optional. Only available to:

  • UK-based Partner Company (retailers)
  • UK-based Merchants
  • UK registered operations of global Merchants


This guide is designed to help:

  • a) A Partner Company (third party provider)

checking the cover status of a shipment or group of shipments.

  • b) A Partner Company (retailer)

checking the cover status of a shipment or group of shipments.

Check coverage status by shipment id

HTTP Example:

GET /api/partner/shipments/{id}/ HTTP/1.1
Host: <Host>
authentication: <Authentication token>

Full GET /shipments/{id}/ documentation (opens in this window).

Where id the shipment_id is the id returned when the shipment was first created. This endpoint returns information about the shipment, including the shipment status and whether it is insured.

Check the coverage status of all shipments

HTTP Example:

GET /api/partner/shipments/ HTTP/1.1
Host: <Host>
authentication: <Authentication token>

Full GET /shipments/ documentation (opens in this window).

Returns a list of all shipments created to date. Note that this endpoint will include pagination and query parameters in a future release.

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